Results for 'Anthony Coulter Murphy'

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  1.  56
    The dream property scale: An exploratory English version.Tomoka Takeuchi, Robert D. Ogilvie, Anthony V. Ferrelli, Timothy I. Murphy & Kathy Belicki - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (3):341-355.
    Our goal is to develop an English version of the Dream Property Scale (DPS-E) based on the original normed scale in Japan (DPS-J). Factor analyses extracted four factors (Emotionality, Rationality, Activity, and Impression) and its factor structure was apparently similar to the DPS-J. The DPS-E was also shown to be related to EEG power spectral values. These results indicate that the DPS-E may provide an exploratory basis for a reliable and valid tool for capturing and quantifying the properties of dream (...)
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    What is Public Health Legal Preparedness?Anthony D. Moulton, Richard N. Gottfried, Richard A. Goodman, Anne M. Murphy & Raymond D. Rawson - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (4):672-683.
    “Public health legal preparedness” is a term born in the ferment, beginning in the late 1990s, that has led to unprecedented recognition of the essential role law plays in public health and, even more recently, in protecting the public from terrorism and other potentially catastrophic health threats.The initial articulation of public health has not kept pace with rapid evolution in the concept and in practical development of public health preparedness itself. This poses the risk that legal preparedness may fall behind (...)
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    Organ engineering – combining stem cells, biomaterials, and bioreactors to produce bioengineered organs for transplantation.Sean Vincent Murphy & Anthony Atala - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (3):163-172.
    Often the only treatment available for patients suffering from diseased and injured organs is whole organ transplant. However, there is a severe shortage of donor organs for transplantation. The goal of organ engineering is to construct biological substitutes that will restore and maintain normal function in diseased and injured tissues. Recent progress in stem cell biology, biomaterials, and processes such as organ decellularization and electrospinning has resulted in the generation of bioengineered blood vessels, heart valves, livers, kidneys, bladders, and airways. (...)
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    The Victorians were still faster than us. Commentary: Factors influencing the latency of simple reaction time.Michael Anthony Woodley of Menie, Jan te Nijenhuis & Raegan Murphy - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:150650.
    Woods et al. (2015) claim that secular Simple Reaction Time (SRT) slowing (Woodley et al. 2013), disappears once modern studies are corrected for software and hardware lag, and once Galton’s data are corrected for fastest-response selection. Here, this is challenged with a reanalysis of the secular slowing of SRT in the UK amongst large (N>500), population-representative age-matched (≊18-30 years) studies. Starting with Galton’s sample, this is assigned the simulated value estimated by Dodonova and Dodonov (2013, who like Woods et al. (...)
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  5.  49
    Popper's Defense of Tradition.Anthony Murphy - 1980 - Philosophy Research Archives 6:126-149.
    Popper’s three world doctrine, it has been argued by Peyerahend and Krige, is a rejection of the type of critical dualism of facts and norms articulated in The Open Society. Peyerabend argues further that world 3 acts as a methodological prison designed to restrict the free decision of the individual theoretical scientist. It is my position that Popper's concept of world 3 is not a rejection of critical dualism but rather an attempt to allow for the existence of free normative (...)
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  6.  71
    Anime: From Akira to Princess Mononoke: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation (review). [REVIEW]Joseph Anthony Murphy - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):493-495.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Anime: From Akira to Princess Mononoke: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese AnimationJoseph MurphyAnime: From Akira to Princess Mononoke: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation. By Susan Napier. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2001. Pp. vii + 320.Certain progressions can be marked from Antonia Levi's Samurai from Outer Space in 1996 to Susan Napier's Anime: From Akira to Princess Mononoke: Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation in 2001. While both survey the phenomenon of Japanese (...)
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  7.  82
    Atomism and the illusion of crisis: The danger of applying Kuhnian categories to current particle physics.R. E. Hendrick & Anthony Murphy - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (3):454-468.
    This paper responds to a recent claim by Shrader-Frechette that current particle physics, with its essentially atomist paradigm, is in a state of Kuhnian crisis. We respond to Shrader-Frechette's claim in two ways: first, we argue directly against much of the evidence used by Shrader-Frechette as indicators of Kuhnian crisis; second, we question Shrader-Frechette's application of Kuhnian categories to current research in general, pointing out the dangers inherent in such an analysis.
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  8.  42
    Lakatos, Laudan and the Hermeneutic Circle.Anthony C. Murphy - 1984 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 15 (2):119.
  9.  61
    Algorithmic governance: Developing a research agenda through the power of collective intelligence.Kalpana Shankar, Burkhard Schafer, Niall O'Brolchain, Maria Helen Murphy, John Morison, Su-Ming Khoo, Muki Haklay, Heike Felzmann, Aisling De Paor, Anthony Behan, Rónán Kennedy, Chris Noone, Michael J. Hogan & John Danaher - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (2).
    We are living in an algorithmic age where mathematics and computer science are coming together in powerful new ways to influence, shape and guide our behaviour and the governance of our societies. As these algorithmic governance structures proliferate, it is vital that we ensure their effectiveness and legitimacy. That is, we need to ensure that they are an effective means for achieving a legitimate policy goal that are also procedurally fair, open and unbiased. But how can we ensure that algorithmic (...)
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  10.  40
    Writings of Charles S. Peirce. [REVIEW]Anthony Murphy - 1990 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 18 (56):35-37.
  11.  21
    The Return of Geopolitics?Anthony Favro - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1998 (111):180-182.
    Geocentrism and late-modernity are closely related. Geographical thought connects in often overlooked ways with other contemporary ideas that play important roles in politics, economics and society. Thus the exploitation of geographical ideas to serve political purposes has been a fixture of international relations from manifest destiny to National Socialism, the Cold War to globalization. David T. Murphy compellingly captures the historical moment (Weimar Germany) in which natural law and territoriality were first dealt with as geopolitics, becoming a significant tool (...)
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    Retribution Reconsidered. [REVIEW]Anthony Ellis - 1996 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 56 (1):238-241.
    Murphy tells us that he has published this collection of papers “with some personal reluctance;” and he has done so “mainly because many friends and colleagues have suggested that at least some of them deserve the wider circulation that only a book makes possible.” They “show [his] thinking in a period of transition”.
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  13. Skeptical Effectiveness: A Reply to Buford and Brueckner.Peter Murphy - 2016 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 6 (4):397-403.
    In an earlier paper, I presented a novel objection to closure-based skeptical arguments. There I argued that the best account of what makes skeptical scenarios effective cripples the closure-based skeptical arguments that use those scenarios. On behalf of the skeptic, Christopher Buford and Anthony Brueckner have replied to my objection. Here I review my original argument, criticize their replies, and highlight two important issues for further investigation.
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  14. Property and its enemies.Anthony de Jasay - 2004 - Philosophy 79 (1):57-66.
    Ownership is a relation with characteristics that force society to function more effectively and that make property a target of much hostility. Among the intellectual enemies of property, Locke is arguably the most influential. His “enough and as good left for others” condition, that he believed to be easily satisfied, was a failed attempt morally to justify property. Instead, it succeeded in undermining its legitimacy. Hume identified the existence of a convention,—in today's language, a Nash-equilibrium—which, being wholly voluntary and ageless, (...)
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  15. Effective Skeptical Arguments.Christopher T. Buford & Anthony Brueckner - 2015 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 5 (1):55-60.
    _ Source: _Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 55 - 60 Peter Murphy has argued that effective skeptical scenarios all have the following feature: the subject involved in the scenario does not know that some ordinary proposition is true, even if the proposition is true in the scenario. So the standard “false belief” conception of skeptical scenarios is wrong, since the belief of the targeted proposition need not be mistaken in the scenario. Murphy then argues that this observation engenders (...)
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  16.  35
    Tomoka Takeuchi, Robert D. Ogilvie, Anthony V. Ferrelli, Timothy I. Murphy, and Kathy Belicki.Kelly A. Forrest, Craig Kunimoto, Jeff Miller, Harold Pashler, J. G. Taylor & Valerie Hardcastle - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10:158.
  17.  35
    Response to Anthony J. Palmer, "Music Education for the Twenty-first Century: A Philosophical View of the General Education Core".Ana Lucia Frega - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (2):194-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Anthony J. Palmer, “Music Education for the Twenty-First Century: A Philosophical View of the General Education Core”Ana Lcuía FregaI would like to discuss three themes related to Tony Palmer's paper: (1) my agreement with the content of his paper in general, (2) some remarks on elements of what he deals with, including notions about the concept or a vision of what music education should be in (...)
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  18. Retracted: being lucky and being deserving, and distribution.Anthony Amatrudo - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (4):658-669.
    This paper examines the concepts of desert and luck, familiar in political theory but neglected by sociologists. I argue that the idea of desert is composed of both personal performance and the degree of responsibility a person has over that performance. Distribution ought to be in accordance with the indebtedness created by the person's performance. This can be compromised by luck; that is, personal desert is undermined where lack of performance scuttles the applicability of the contributory model. This paper examines (...)
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  19.  33
    A Decision Theory Perspective on Wicked Problems, SDGs and Stakeholders: The Case of Deforestation.Anthony Alexander, Helen Walker & Izabela Delabre - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (4):975-995.
    The Sustainable Development Goals are an opportunity to address major social and environmental challenges. As a widely agreed framework they offer a potential way to mobilise stakeholders on a global scale. The manner in which the goals, with time-based targets and specific metrics, are set out within a voluntary reporting process adopted by both governments and business, provides a fascinating and important case for organisational studies. It is both about advancing performance measurement and evidence-based policy-making for sustainable development, and also (...)
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  20.  75
    The ethics of impossible and possible changes to human nature.Timothy F. Murphy - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (4):191-197.
    Some commentators speak freely about genetics being poised to change human nature. Contrary to such rhetoric, Norman Daniels believes no such thing is plausible since ‘nature’ describes characteristic traits of human beings as a whole. Genetic interventions that do their work one individual at a time are unlikely to change the traits of human beings as a class. Even so, one can speculate about ways in which human beings as a whole could be genetically altered, and there is nothing about (...)
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  21.  23
    The Role of the Bible in Roman Catholic Theology.Roland E. Murphy & Carl J. Peter - 1971 - Interpretation 25 (1):78-94.
    The role of Scripture as norm is growing significantly in Catholic theological work. But with that growth the problems of its relation to other norms become clearer and more urgent as the agenda for systematic theology.
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  22.  11
    A Corrective Justice Account of Disgorgement for Breach of Contract by Analogy to Fiduciary Remedies.Anthony Robert Sangiuliano - 2016 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 29 (1):149-190.
    A corrective justice account of a private law remedy attempts to the explain the remedy as giving back to the plaintiff something to which the plaintiff had a prior right that was breached by the defendant's receipt of that thing. It has proven challenging to explain how disgorgement for breach of contract is consistent with corrective justice. This remedy gives to the plaintiff any profit that a defendant received from a third party by breaching a contract with the plaintiff. In (...)
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  23.  90
    Mitochondrial Replacement: Ethics and Identity.Anthony Wrigley, Stephen Wilkinson & John B. Appleby - 2015 - Bioethics 29 (9):631-638.
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques have the potential to allow prospective parents who are at risk of passing on debilitating or even life-threatening mitochondrial disorders to have healthy children to whom they are genetically related. Ethical concerns have however been raised about these techniques. This article focuses on one aspect of the ethical debate, the question of whether there is any moral difference between the two types of MRT proposed: Pronuclear Transfer and Maternal Spindle Transfer. It examines how questions of identity impact (...)
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  24.  11
    Human Identity at the Intersection of Science, Technology and Religion.Nancey C. Murphy & Christopher C. Knight - 2010 - Routledge.
    Science and religion have often been thought to be at loggerheads but much contemporary work in this flourishing interdisciplinary field suggests this is far from the case. The Ashgate Science and Religion Series presents exciting new work to advance interdisciplinary study, research and debate across key themes in science and religion, exploring the philosophical relations between the physical and social sciences on the one hand and religious belief on the other. Contemporary issues in philosophy and theology are debated, as are (...)
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  25. Reason and society.W. T. Murphy - 1990 - In Philip Windsor (ed.), Reason and history: or only a history of reason. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
  26. Intrinsic Finks, Masks, and Mimics.Anthony Everett - 2009 - Erkenntnis 71 (2):191-203.
    I argue for the existence of intrinsic Finks, Masks, and Mimics, and argue that these undermine certain recent attempts to revive simple conditional analyses of dispositions. I present some examples of intrinsic Finks, Masks, and Mimics, and argue that the example of an intrinsic fink I present has certain advantages over the examples of intrinsic finks recently suggested by Randolph Clarke. I conclude that the existence of such Finks, Masks, and Mimics, undermine a recent attempt by Sungho Choi to distinguish (...)
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  27.  48
    An Eliminativist Approach to Vulnerability.Anthony Wrigley - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (7):478-487.
    The concept of vulnerability has been subject to numerous different interpretations but accounts are still beset with significant problems as to their adequacy, such as their contentious application or the lack of genuine explanatory role for the concept. The constant failure to provide a compelling conceptual analysis and satisfactory definition leaves the concept open to an eliminativist move whereby we can question whether we need the concept at all. I highlight problems with various kinds of approach and explain why a (...)
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  28. Moral Issues in Military Decision Making.Anthony E. HARTLE - 1989
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  29. (1 other version)The God of the Philosophers.Anthony Kenny - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (213):418-420.
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  30.  48
    Ethics and end of life care: the Liverpool Care Pathway and the Neuberger Review.Anthony Wrigley - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):639-643.
    The Liverpool Care Pathway for the Dying has recently been the topic of substantial media interest and also been subject to the independent Neuberger Review. This review has identified clear failings in some areas of care and recommended the Liverpool Care Pathway be phased out. I argue that while the evidence gathered of poor incidences of practice by the Review is of genuine concern for end of life care, the inferences drawn from this evidence are inconsistent with the causes for (...)
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  31.  7
    Thoth and Apollo. Greek Myths of the Origin of Philosophy.Anthony Preus - 1998 - Méthexis 11 (1):113-125.
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    Theology and Catastrophe.Anthony W. Bartlett - 2018 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 23 (2):171-188.
    Girardian anthropology tells us that the birth of human meaning and its signs are the result of a primitive catastrophe. But if these origins are exposed by the biblical record it is because another, transformative semiosis has opened in human existence. Girard’s seminal remarks on the Greek logos and the logos of John, endorsing Heidegger’s divorce of the two, demonstrate this claim and its source in the nonviolence of the gospel logos. In effect, there is a second catastrophe, one embedded (...)
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    Semantic relativism, underdetermination, and knowledge.Anthony J. Graybosch - 1988 - Philosophia 18 (1):61-74.
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  34. Jesus Christ in the Old Testament.Anthony Tyrrell Hanson - 1965
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    Thomas Aquinas: A Portrait by Denys Turner.Anthony Kenny - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):460-461.
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    Re charged emblems: Hawthorne and semiotic metamorphics.Anthony Splendora - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (235):1-26.
    Illuminating innovatively the dialectic by which “sign” is induced “to signify” requires an analysis of the inferrer-entailed symbolics constituting “signified,” a process particularly observable during relative, purposeful re-signification, particularly at high-visibility sites. Because Nathaniel Hawthorne focused intently his romantic-dramatic oeuvre on cynosural women, because of his affinity for allegorical signification, and especially for his tangibility to feminist themes and axiologies of virtue transcending even the highly reformist nineteenth century, he is here chosen an interpretation-open “carrier wave” for that research. Climactically (...)
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    On the use of "theory" and the usefulness of theory.Anthony G. Greenwald & Anthony R. Pratkanis - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (4):575-579.
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    Cider: A component-based toolkit for creating smart diagram environments.Anthony R. Jansen, Kim Marriott & Bernd Meyer - 2004 - In A. Blackwell, K. Marriott & A. Shimojima (eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference. Springer. pp. 415--419.
  39.  10
    Equity in the Classroom: Towards Effective Pedagogy for Girls and Boys.Patricia F. Murphy (ed.) - 1996 - Routledge.
    Concerned with pedagogy and the learning achievement of both girls and boys, this book examines international trends in subject performance throughout schooling and looks critically at a range of interventions in difference contexts and countries, all aimed at enhancing equity in schools and higher education institutions.; The book argues that pedagogy can not be isolated from the overarching gender-education system. What can be done, it claims, is that teachers can be provided with a range of pedagogic strategies which can be (...)
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    Time and Freedom.Anthony J. Steinbock & Christopher Macann (eds.) - 2014 - Northwestern University Press.
    Christophe Bouton’s _Time and Freedom _addresses the problem of the relationship between time and freedom as a matter of practical philosophy, examining how the individual lives time and how her freedom is effective in time. Bouton first charts the history of modern philosophy’s reengagement with the Aristotelian debate about future contingents, beginning with Leibniz. While Kant, Husserl, and their followers would engage time through theories of knowledge, Schopenhauer, Schelling, Kierkegaard, and, Heidegger, Sartre, and Levinas applied a phenomenological and existential methodology (...)
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    12: Relationship-Centered Administration: A Case Study in a Community Hospital Department of Medicine.Anthony L. Suchman, Howard B. Beckman, Susan H. McDaniel & Edward L. Deci - 2003 - In Richard M. Frankel, Timothy E. Quill & Susan H. McDaniel (eds.), The biopsychosocial approach: past, present, and future. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
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  42. (1 other version)God and Philosophy.Anthony Flew - 1967 - Religious Studies 2 (2):282-285.
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    Modality and Counterfactuals: Understanding the Role and Context of Metaphysical Underpinnings for Harm, Benefit and Identity Claims Arising from Genome Editing and Genetic Modification.Anthony Wrigley - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (9):52-54.
    Deriving ethical conclusions from arguments that rely heavily on metaphysical foundations, as Parfit (1984) does in generating his Nonidentity Problem, is an approach fraught with problems. Sparrow...
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  44. Injustice.Anthony D. Woozley - 1973 - In Nicholas Rescher (ed.), Studies in Ethics (American Philosophical Quarterly Monograph Series, No. 7). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. pp. 109-122.
  45. The Metaphysics of death.John Martin Fischer (ed.) - 1993 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Introduction : death, metaphysics, and morality / John Martin Fischer Death knocks / Woody Allen Rationality and the fear of death / Jeffrie G. Murphy Death / Thomas Nagel The Makropulos case : reflections on the tedium of immortality / Bernard Williams The evil of death / Harry S. Silverstein How to be dead and not care : a defense of Epicurus / Stephen E. Rosenbaum The dead / Palle Yourgrau The misfortunes of the dead / George Pitcher Harm (...)
  46. The science of consciousness: Non-locality of mind.Anthony Freeman - unknown
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    Vivre dans les programmes.Anthony Masure - 2019 - Multitudes 1:176-181.
    Encore mal connue, l’ampleur des travaux du chercheur Vilém Flusser est pourtant d’une grande importance pour appréhender la situation contemporaine d’un monde numérique risquant d’aboutir à une société automatisée. Analysant la notion de programme depuis des réflexions sur les mutations de la photographie et de l’écriture, Flusser montre, au contraire, comment les artistes pourraient œuvrer au développement d’un « techno-imaginaire » capable de donner du sens à nos « vies artificielles ».
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    Heidegger Beyond Deconstruction: On Nature, Michael Lewis.Anthony Paul Smith - 2009 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 40 (1):109-111.
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    Academic Dishonesty at the Graduate Level.Anthony N. Fabricatore, Peter A. Brawer, Paul J. Handal & Valerie A. Wajda-Johnston - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (3):287-305.
    We investigated the definition, prevalence, perceived prevalence and severity of, as well as justifications for and expected responses to, academic dishonesty at the graduate level in a sample of 246 graduate students, 49 faculty, and 20 administrators. Between 2.5% and 55.1% of students self-reported engaging in academically dishonest behaviors, depending on the nature of the behavior. Students and faculty rated 40 examples of academically dishonest behaviors similarly in terms of severity, but faculty tended to underestimate the prevalence of academic dishonesty. (...)
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    Three Cheers for Aristotle, Non-Contradiction, and Classical Negation.Anthony S. Gillies - 1997 - Modern Schoolman 75 (1):23-34.
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